He used economic concepts to illustrate issues of corporate strategy. 他用经济概念来阐明企业战略课题。
In the past, interns have worked in a range of functions, from marketing to corporate strategy. 过去,实习生在不同的职能部门工作,从市场营销岗位到企业战略岗位都有。
They are less to be trusted on corporate strategy, which is not their speciality. 公司战略并非他们的专长,在这个问题上不是那么可以信任他们。
Therefore, Business and IT should form a corporate strategy together. 因此,业务和IT必须一起组成公司的战略。
Our strategy is very straightforward, in support of the corporate strategy. 我们的战略非常明了,就是为了支持总公司的战略。
The students are hired for a range of jobs, including technical roles and corporate strategy positions. 这些获聘学员将就职于不同的岗位,包括技术职位和企业战略职位。
To maintain and implement the corporate strategy as a member of the HVC management team; 作为管理团组一员,维持和执行公司策略;
The corporate strategy is supported by a marketing strategy and implemented by the product portfolio plan. 公司战略又以市场战略为依托,通过产品组合计划来贯彻执行。
As part of a VWR's global corporate strategy, the Company continues to seek opportunities to expand our global footprint through select acquisitions and expansion of existing operations. 作为全球企业策略的一环,VWR会通过选择性收购和扩大现有业务,继续物色机会拓展全球经营。
Mergers, disposals and acquisitions may well form an important part of a corporate strategy, but they are not a substitute for researching and developing new products, or investing in staff ( who are, incidentally, people and not depreciating assets). 合并、资产处置和收购可能都是企业战略的重要组成部分,但这不能代替研发新产品或员工投资(顺便提一下,员工是人,而非不断折旧的资产)。
It would be better if the New York state pension fund engaged with the BP board on corporate strategy and risk management and sought to influence the composition of the board in a more constructive and responsible way. 假如纽约州养老基金在公司治理和风险管理方面与英国石油董事会进行接洽,并且力求以更具建设性和更负责任的方式影响董事会人员构成,情况会更好。
According to Alistair, every project is a game and that it fits into a larger game of corporate strategy. 按照Alistair的说法,每一个项目都是一个博弈游戏,是一个更大的企业战略层面的博弈的一部分。
These things are basic to our corporate strategy. 这些事情对我们的共同策略来说是最基本的。
Finally, the author discusses how to execute CHNG's corporate strategy by adopting the Balanced Scorecard method. 运用“平衡记分卡”这一战略管理工具进行战略实施,并设计了华能集团公司的平衡记分卡。
"Best fit" and "best practice"-meaning that there is correlation between the HRM strategy and the overall corporate strategy. “最佳”和“最佳做法”-意思是,是有关系的人力资源管理战略和总体战略的关系。
His team creates a list of such attributes that account for aspects such as: contractual obligations, market windows, customer impact, system health and corporate strategy. 他的团队列举了这样的属性,包括很多方面,如:合同义务、市场窗口(MarketWindows)、客户影响、系统健康以及企业策略。
Research of Enterprise Culture of China Petroleum Enterprise Based on the Corporate Strategy 基于企业战略的中国石油企业文化实施研究
The Corporate Strategy Assessing and Choosing Model along with Its Application Based on the Process 基于过程的公司战略评价和选择的模型及其应用
The ability of foreign private equity to exert influence on corporate strategy can be severely limited. 外国私人股本对企业战略施加影响力的能力,可能严重受限。
He has further conducted consultancy-cum-MBA training in corporate strategy and competition analysis, media management and crisis communication. 此外他还是企业战略和竞争分析,媒体管理和危机沟通MBA培训和咨询课程的顾问。
Strong capability of market analysis, corporate strategy, and creativity. 较强的市场洞察分析和策划创新能力。
The overall corporate strategy will have several subordinate and interrelated strategies. 公司的总战略通常有好几个从属的、相互有关的战略。
A Dialectical Ponder on the Implication and Function of Corporate Strategy& A Study with cross-cultural perspective 企业战略内涵与功能的思辨&跨文化视角的研究
Corporate strategy is the basic element and archetype structure of strategic ecosystems, corporate strategy could be analyzed pierced through corporate strategic elements. 企业战略是战略生态系统的基本元素和原型结构,企业战略要素是从生态学视角分析企业战略的突破口。
But it would be optimistic to think that these events mark a new phase of corporate strategy. 但如果认为这些事件标志着公司战略的新阶段,那未免太乐观了。
SELDOM has corporate strategy been turned on its head so quickly. 公司战略从来没有如此快的改变其方向。
The main duties of the corporate strategy committee shall be to conduct research and make recommendations on the long-term strategic development plans and major investment decisions of the company. 战略委员会的主要职责是对公司长期发展战略和重大投资决策进行研究并提出建议。
Nevertheless, Porter effectively redefined the way that businessmen think about competition, largely by introducing the language and concepts of economics into corporate strategy. 然而,波特通过将经济学的概念和语言引入公司战略中,在很大程度上有效的改变了人们对于竞争的思考方式。
Enterprises to invest in risk decision-making is to develop corporate strategy, strategic choice, as well as the implementation of the strategic course of an important part. 企业投资风险决策是企业战略制定、战略选择以及战略执行过程中的重要组成部分。
Establishing the basic framework of the corporate strategy; 确立公司战略制定程序的基本框架;